Thursday, February 9, 2012

its a...

Girl! We were so blessed and excited to find out Tuesday that we 've got a healthy baby girl on the way! I asked the technician if she looked like she was average size, and so far so good. To be honest, I think that size is my number one concern when I think about her (i know that there are a lot more important things to be worried about) but oh well. I don't have huge hopes of her being a lot smaller than Henry (10 pounds 10 ounces), but I'm hoping/praying for her to be at least a little smaller. The doctor told me the only thing I could do was to watch my weight. Does how much weight you gain have a huge impact on how big your baby is? I didn't gain a ton of weight with Henry and he was still so big.

We have very few names in the mix, so it wil be interesting to see when we actually come up with one:) We've been terrible at taking pictures, so I'll post one of a place I'd like to be right now...

p.s. I have nothing against big babies (actually they are awesome), just not birthing them!