Saturday, January 28, 2012

20 weeks

This past week I hit the 20 week mark! I'd say I'm "halfway through," but can you really say that when you didn't know you were pregnant for 1/4 of it?! We find out in two weeks what we are having! Besides being a little sleepy, I feel great and am thankful.

We really haven't had a lot going on (no worries though. I just bought a phone that is supposed to "unleash my social life!") Watch out world.

We've been sick, but I think that 75% of families are sick this time of year anyway. I feel like our day is spent trying to just fill it so that Henry and I don't go stir crazy and we don't spend half the day watching Mickey Mouse.

Overall, I'm thankful that it has been a mild winter thus far. I'm already getting spring fever (yikes), but want to be content with what season we are in now (even if that means a LOT of time inside)!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Geaux Tigers!

We've had a week to detox from Christmas/New years, and it has been surprisingly warm! The darkness of winter is hard on me, so I've been seeing this week as a complete blessing from the Lord. We even got out yesterday for a bike ride (which we normally would not have been able to in January without freezing) and was reminded again why we don't bike ride often! Ha, it is so hilly here, that I was exhausted only after going a little while. Well, at least we tried! We want Henry to grow up in an active home, so we might have to be a little more creative with our outings, or I might just have to get into better shape:)

We have some students coming over tonight for the National Championship. I've missed having consistent interaction with students, so it will be a good way to get to know some new people and hang out. We've having chili, but maybe Cajun would have been more appropriate! Geaux Tigers!