Saturday, December 31, 2011

a shameless plug

Katie, my sister in law gave me a "Mama bird's nest" necklace for Christmas (that she made) and I think that it is such a cute idea! She just started an etsy account that you should check out. Message me if you are interested and I'll send you the info!

My mom's necklace (there are three of us)

Katie's necklace (she has a two year old and is pregnant)

Speaking of that two year old, here are some super cute pictures of Henry and his cousin...

(don't let the hugs, smiles, etc. fool you, they had their fare share of spats too!)


Dena said...

cute necklace and pictures of the two boys!

Katie said...

hahah thanks for the shameless plug! we had SO much fun with y'all. wish we could get together more often. love you three so much! (and hopefully, the "no"s haven't rubbed off on henry too much!!....ohhh 2 year olds...) :)

shannon said...

Henry is adorable!