Saturday, January 28, 2012

20 weeks

This past week I hit the 20 week mark! I'd say I'm "halfway through," but can you really say that when you didn't know you were pregnant for 1/4 of it?! We find out in two weeks what we are having! Besides being a little sleepy, I feel great and am thankful.

We really haven't had a lot going on (no worries though. I just bought a phone that is supposed to "unleash my social life!") Watch out world.

We've been sick, but I think that 75% of families are sick this time of year anyway. I feel like our day is spent trying to just fill it so that Henry and I don't go stir crazy and we don't spend half the day watching Mickey Mouse.

Overall, I'm thankful that it has been a mild winter thus far. I'm already getting spring fever (yikes), but want to be content with what season we are in now (even if that means a LOT of time inside)!

1 comment:

Dena said...

Such cute pictures!!!